News 04.04.07
Ox wagon leaves for one last trek
In conjunction with the 100th anniversary of the Maltahöhe Hotel a historic ox wagon will go on its last trek across the dusty plains of southern Namibia. On the 17th May the wagon will be drawn 11 kilometers from the farm Hutupsdrift to the C19 gravel road (by car). On the following day the trek will continue to Maltahöhe, where the wagon will find it’s final resting place in front of the local hotel. This part of the journey will be accompanied donkey and horse carts, as well as the traffic authorities. This event will culminate in a party at the hotel.
  The restored historical ox wagon is the last one ever built in Maltahöhe by master blacksmith Albert Maraun, who started his operations in 1911 and was succeeded by his sons Alfred and Ernst in the latter part of the 1940’s. They renamed the business to Maraun’s Garage, which still exists to this day. The wagon has a weight of 1,5 tons and is six metres long and measures 1,5 metres across. The wheels have a diameter of 1,1 metres (front) and 1,5 metres (back). The brakes are operated by means of a crankshaft situated at the rear end of the wagon.  
  The wagon was initially commissioned by local farmer and businessman Hans Gebser. He insisted on having wooden wheels fitted, despite the option of rubber being available. It was mainly used to transport building materials for the farm houses of Hutupsdrift and Niederhagen. After it’s served is purposes it rested in the shade of an eucalyptus tree on Hutupsdrift for a couple of decades. In 2006 the co-owner of the Maltahöhe Hotel, Gert Heussen, purchased the wagon and supervised it’s restoration. The wood of the superstructure was unfortunately in such a bad condition that it had to be replaced.
- For more information see Events